Sunday, November 2, 2008

Asi es la vida ...

I have to be honest here; I had forgotten how difficult it is to live in a foreign country, especially because I'm female. The independence one has when living in the US is taken for granted. And the little things, like being able to drink the water, or walking down the street without watching every step to avoid stepping in something disgusting ...

And especially being able to communicate well! I guess I was assuming my Spanish would take off where I left it three years ago in Costa Rica. It just takes time, but wow, is it ever frustrating to try to sound like an intelligent human being! I get so tongue-tied! I can read Spanish wonderfully. Listening to it, however, is another story, and speaking it well (with all the vocabulary that I know) is so difficult. I know I have a lot in the Spanish compartment of my brain, but darnit, it just won't come out sometimes (ok, a lot of the time!).

I'm fine. I like being here. I just hate the loss of independence. I guess I don't always do well with situations that humble me without my consent. :)

Pray for my comprehension and ability to learn fast and to communicate. And for my drive to continue to study and my energy. Thinking and communicating in Spanish zaps me!

Off to go be with the girls :) ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

¡Espero que todo vaya bien, Sarita! Estoy orando por ti. CuĂ­date.